Faithful Finance

Faithful Finance

Books Reviews

Review Faithful Finance: 10 Secrets to Move from Fearful Insecurity to Confident Control



Emily Stroud’s “Faithful Finance” tackles a common misconception that handling and managing personal finance is always best left to professionals. This would oftentimes lead to many to find themselves repeating costly mistakes and/or in great debt. In this great book, Stroud removes the wall between experts and finances and shows to its readers that anyone can do it. Shedding light in a new perspective, Stroud’s “Faithful Finance” provides its readers with a simplified guide to personal finance as well as her ten secrets to a successful management system that will surely give you the confidence and control you need to properly enjoy your wealth and financial freedom in the long term. 

All in all, “Faithful Finance” is a great guide for anyone who has little to no experience when it comes to handling money and definitely removes all the complexities in a light, digestible format.     

About the Author

Emily G. Stroud owns and manages a boutique investment firm called Stroud Financial Management. She has been a Financial Advisor for nearly two decades. As both an MBA and a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Stroud counsels people on how to handle their money, manage risk, and ensure a nice tidy retirement. She lives in Fort Worth, Texas, with her husband and two children.

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
    1. Let a Professional Worry About Money So You Don’t Have To
      • Secret #1: The Faithful Seek Out Wise Counsel
    2. Cash is King (or Queen)
      • Secret #2: The Faithful Create a Budget and Build Up a Cash Reserve
    3. God is a Good Gift Giver
      • Secret #3: The Faithful Give Generously and Prayerfully
    4. Do Not Borrow from Peter to Pay Paul
      • Secret #4: The Faithful Manage Debt Carefully
    5. Pay Yourself First
      • Secret #5 The Faithful Make a Savings Plan
    6. Is Your Life Insured?
      • Secret #6: The Faithful Insure Themselves against Disaster
    7. Nobody Got Rich Paying Too Much for a House
      • Secret #7: The Faithful Invest Wisely in Real Estate
    8. When Can I Transition from Making Money to Spending It?
      • Secret #8: The Faithful Invest for Retirement
    9. My Kids Want to Go to College. Now What?
      • Secret #9: The Faithful Save for College