Bull the Horns

Bull by the Horns

Books Reviews

Review Bull by the Horns: Fighting to Save Main Street from Wall Street and Wall Street from Itself



Looking into an eye-opening perspective of former FDIC Chairwoman Sheila Bair during her time when America was hit with the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression, “Bull by the Horns: Fighting to Save Main Street from Wall Street and Wall Street from Itself” exposes the many flawed policies and regulations that had been imposed by the U.S. government that eventually led up the crisis. “Bull by the Horns,” tells the story of a bureaucrat as she contested her peers into protecting and serving the public good when everyone thought that the economy had gone to the wolves and eventually accomplishing to do so. In a constant clash with that of Geithner, Bair sheds light on the many loopholes regulators and major banks have taken advantage of for personal gain at the expense of the public’s interest. Albeit a controversial take on the system, “Bull by the Horns” offers a unique look on how easy a system can go out of its way for its own gain and hopefully reach a practical conclusion in how to “correct” it.  

About the Author

Sheila Bair is a renowned and former Chairman of the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation). Dubbed by Forbes as the most powerful woman in the world in 2008 and 2009, she also has been featured in publications such as The New YorkerThe Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal. Before her position in FDIC, she served as assistant secretary for financial institutions at the US Department of the Treasury and as senior vice president for government relations of the New York Stock Exchange.

Table of Contents

  • Prologue
  1. The Golden Age of Banking
  2. Turning the Titanic
  3. The Fight over Basel II
  4. The Skunk at the Garden Party
  5. Subprime in “Contained”
  6. Stepping over a Dollar to Pick Up a Nickel: Helping Home Owners, Round One
  7. The Audacity of that Woman
  8. The Wachovia Blindside
  9. Bailing Out the Boneheads
  10. Doubling Down on Citi: Bailout Number Two
  11. Helping Home Owners, Round Two
  12. Obama’s Election: The More Things Change…
  13. Helping Home Owners, Round Three
  14. The $100 Billion Club
  15. The Care and Feeding of Citigroup: Bailout Number Three
  16. Finally Saying No
  17. Never Again
  18. It’s All About the Compensation
  19. The Senate’s Orwellian Debate
  20. Dodd-Frank Implementation: The Final Stretch (or So I Thought)
  21. Robo-Signing Erupts
  22. The Return to Basel
  23. Too Small to Save
  24. Squinting in the Public Spotlight
  25. Farewell to the FDIC
  26. How Main Street Can Tame Wall Street
  27. It Could Have Been Different
  • Epilogue
  • Notes
  • Acknowledgments
  • Index